Author Talk: Brett Mandel | Philadelphia, Corrupt and Consenting

By Committee of Seventy (other events)

Tuesday, February 27 2024 6:00 PM 8:00 PM EDT

More than a century after Lincoln Steffens labeled Philadelphia as "corrupt and contented," the city still grapples with shedding this unfortunate characterization. Come join Committee of Seventy for an insightful evening exploring "Philadelphia, Corrupt and Consenting: A City's Struggle against an Epithet" by author Brett Mandel. Listen as he and Lauren Vidas discuss themes from the book, including details of John Dougherty's corruption investigation as well as present-day challenges within the Sheriff's Office. 

Don't miss this unique opportunity to be part of a conversation that delves into the heart of Philadelphia's history while looking towards a future of good governance.

Space is limited, reserve your spot now!